Urgent Mobile Meals Need – Declaration for Office Deadline – Call for Submissions
Mobile Meals
Our team for Friday has had a family emergency and will not be able to serve. I need two volunteers to take the Mobile Meals route this Friday, August 28. Please email me directly at karen@foxlawtn.com if you can serve.
Declaration for Office
Deadline for submission of Declaration for Office is September 1, 2020. Please consider how you might serve your fellow members during the coming year. I have attached the Declaration and the job requirements to this email.
You may mail the Declaration or email it to me at President@smparalegal.org. Please do so in order to have your name placed on the ballot for the election at the Annual Meeting in December 2020.
Call for Submissions
Everyone did a wonderful on the Summer Edition of The Liaison. Let’s do it again! Bill is requesting articles, topics of interest, unique aspects of cases/decisions affecting Tennessee law, paralegal up-and-coming technologies, brief a unique case, Constitutional (U.S. and Tennessee) items of interest, challenges overcome, book reviews, my first legal support job stories, etc. Note: Research and writing always improves your paralegal skills! You are also welcome to submit, personal interest stories, lock down stories, recipes, personal achievements, work achievements, human interest stories, and pet stories. We are multifaceted humans! Let let your light shine.
Bill and I want this to be the YOUR magazine!