August CLE – Mobile Meals – The Liaison – Declaration for Office – Website Update
August CLE
I feel like I am beginning to repeat myself, but the August CLE will be online only. Our First Vice, Kati Wheatley, be recording our speaker in the near future. The good news is that after numerous technical and scheduling difficulties we have uploaded three (3) online CLEs for viewing. Please email me directly at if you have any difficulty accessing the videos.
Remember that staff of KBA Members can view any of the KBA Online CLE programs at no charge. Just choose the “FREE for Staff of KBA Members” registration rate. When prompted, choose the “I am NOT interested in applying for CLE credit for this program” option under credit selection. Everyone will still receive an attendance certificate, via the completion tab, once the video has been viewed at 100%. If you have any concerns about meeting your CLE requirements for re-certification, please email me at
We will not meet together for a CLE luncheon in the near future. Stay safe and stay well until we are together again.
Mobile Meals
The Friday, July 28, 2020, volunteers are Kelley Myers and Kathy Herd.
I would like to thank our volunteers who are diligently serving during this time of social distancing. Volunteers are now delivering food again, but the meals are placed in bags and hung on the front door. The volunteer then rings the door bell, backs away an appropriate distances, and makes sure the recipient comes to the door and sees the food.
If you have never volunteered with mobile meals and would like more information, please email and I will be happy to send you the training packet.
The Liaison
Bill Minks, our faithful Editor-in-Chief, tells me that he has gotten an excellent response from the membership for our summer edition. I expect it to land in your email inbox by mid-August. Thank you all so much for your contributions. I can’t wait!!
Look for an announcement coming soon about a contest involving The Liaison. You’re going to love it!
Declaration for Office
Attached to this email is the Declaration for Office form for the 2021 term along with a description of the offices and officer requirements
The completed declaration is due September 1. Please consider how you can serve SMPA next year. The Executive Committee embraces the prospect of having other members join us to help guide SMPA into the future. SMPA needs to keep a fresh vision in order to stay vital and relevant.
SMPA Website New Look
Our website has a new look. We had to update in order for all the changes to the website to work correctly. That update has provided us a fresh modern look. We are working on the glitches and continuing to make the website more and more user friendly. Please be patient with any errors or broken links you might find. You are welcome to report any problems with the website to me directly at