Member Directory
Have you ever met someone at a social and you can’t recall their name, but you remember who they work for? Have you ever been stumped and needed to reach out to another paralegal who works in the same area of practice to ask a question? Students, have you ever had questions about working in a particular type of law practice or a particular firm? Now you can reach out to our membership and get your questions answered!
I am very pleased to announce that you may now search our membership directory by member first name, member last name, type of law practiced, and employer/law firm. The Member Directory link is located under both Members tabs. You must be logged into the website to search the member directory.
The search results for our Member Directory are only as good as our database. Please make sure that your information is up-to-date. You may update your profile on the My Account page.
We now have a working calendar on the website. All the Mobile Meals dates have been added. I will keep adding monthly CLE dates as information become available. If you click on the CLE date for more details, you will find the Zoom link for that meeting date and you can download the calendar item for either Google calendar or Outlook. The calendar can be found by scrolling down the home page or under the Events tab.
Website Scavenger Hunt #1 – Winner
Our winner for Scavenger Hunt #1 was Jody Smith. Jody will receive a $20 give card. Thank you to all who participated! The next Scavenger Hunt is coming up April 1. You can’t win if you don’t play!
Membership Renewal Deadline
I want to give a HUGE THANK YOU!! to everyone who has renewed their membership. I appreciate each and every one of you. The membership renewal deadline for 2021 is a short 8 days away, March 31, 2021. We are using this date as a “deadline” for budget/accounting reasons. With our new membership subscription system, membership is scheduled for renewal on the 12 month anniversary of your sign-up date. There will be no more pro-rated fees for signing up in July of after. If you have not renewed by March 31, 2021, you will no longer receive newsletter emails and you will not have access to the members only area of the SMPA website.
Please renew your membership subscription through the website. You may pay with a credit card or you may pay by check. If you need instructions for completing your renewal, email, and I will be happy to forward the instructions to you.
The 2021 Expo is VIRTUAL!
This year’s Law Practice Today Expo on April 7-9 will feature live Zoom webinars and an expansive interactive Exhibit Hall. For the 15th anniversary, the Expo returns with high-quality programs, dynamic speakers, connection to the newest products & services, and more. For more details and links to sign up, please see the attached file. If you have any questions about the EXPO, please contact Marsha Watson,