February CLE
I am very excited to announce that we are having a live Zoom CLE for February! I hope that you will be able to join us. Rachel Donsbach, Esq. will be speaking on the role of the guardian ad litem in severe abuse cases. The Zoom begins at 12:00 noon. The presentation will be recorded and uploaded to our website within a few days after the presentation should you not be able to join us live.
Topic: February CLE
Time: Feb 11, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 954 4674 0659
Passcode: 682748
Join by Phone only:
Dial by your location
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 954 4674 0659
Passcode: 682748
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Mobile Meals – Urgent Need
We do not have anyone signed up to take the Mobile Meals route for Friday, February 26. Please email me directly at if you can serve. Thanks so much!
New EC Member – Interim Second Vice President
Jeanie Matthews has agreed to serve as our Interim Second Vice President for 2021. She is a recent graduate of the University of Tennessee paralegal certificate program and is currently enrolled in the certified paralegal review class. Look for more information about Jeanie in the Winter Edition of The Liaison coming out mid-February.
We have a need for mentors. If you would like to mentor students or members who are new to the paralegal field, please contact Jeanie at and let her know. We currently have a mentor need for a new Student Member in Trenton, TN.
If you have renewed your membership, you know that our website is functional again. Thank you to everyone who has renewed! The EC appreciates your continued support of the service SMPA provides. To our Sustaining Members, we appreciate your support! The website has a few kinks still to work out so if you run into any problems viewing videos or any other issues, please let me know ASAP! We have more features coming. Also, stay tuned for a contest involving the website!
I am looking forward to seeing your faces on Thursday!