Membership Renewal
The wait is over. First, I would like to thank you for your patience. Getting this website to a place where we can manage the membership entirely online was more of a challenge that anyone thought it would be, even our web designers. There is still more work to be done, but we are 90% complete and most of what is left is behind the scenes work.
NO MORE PAPER!!! There are no more documents to complete and send in with your renewal payments. All information is now being captured through the website. Please remember that you are responsible for all information in your account. If you change jobs or move, please update your information on the website. It is your responsibility to keep your email address current. This is the only way we are able to communicate with you.
We would love it if you would pay by credit card. This will allow you immediate access to our website and any CLE videos you might need to view. It also cuts down on human interaction with your transaction. However, we understand that there are some of us who prefer to pay by check and several firms which pay for their paralegal’s dues. We have planned for that as well. You will be able to download an invoice for your dues after you register on the website. If you want to pay for your dues online and then ask for reimbursement from your firm, we have that paperwork available as well.
A few of you were Joann-on-the-spot with your renewal payments. If you have already sent in your check, you must renew your “subscription” on the website.
I encourage you to poke around the website. We have a few new features. Terminology is a little different. Memberships are also called subscriptions. CLE videos are called courses. We also have a new Resources page. The members only page does not yet have all the usual documents uploaded yet, but when they are, the button will show. The calendar can now be seen in a few different places, and you will also have access to the latest SMPA Today or SMPA Newsletters. There will also be back issues of The Liaison. The only thing we are not publishing on the website are job bank notifications. These notifications are strictly for members only.
I have attached to this email step-by-step instructions for renewing your membership. Let me know if you run into any issues. You must log in to renew your membership. If you have forgotten your Username, please email, and I will be happy to provide you with that information. I cannot access your password, so if you have forgotten it, you will need to reset it.
Student Members – You are eligible to keep your student membership one year after graduation. If you are no longer eligible for a Student Membership, you will need to apply for an Active Membership. There is no Student Membership renewal option at the moment, so email me directly at and we will get your Student Membership renewal sorted.
I realized over the weekend as I was working on the final details in the user accounts that a few of our members had not registered on the website last year. You miss out on so much that SMPA has to offer if you do not have an account on the website.
Several of us have tested the website and tried to anticipate how any of us can break it or get it to not work. So far, so good. It seems to be bug free. If you encounter any problems with the website, viewing a CLE, or renewing your membership subscription, please email Our web designer needs to know of the problems, and we will work diligently to get them resolved.
Please complete your renewal by March 1.
Thanks again for your patience. I appreciate your continued membership in SMPA. I am looking forward to us all being together soon!